Thursday, November 3, 2011

What do marriages and yards have in common?

Marriages and yards, what do they have in common? They both take lots of work!  

The the poem below is framed in my parents home. Their marriage works, it works really well. What an incredible living example they are of a marriage that makes much of Christ.

Marriage Takes Three

I once thought marriage took
Just two to make a go,
But now I am convinced
It takes the Lord also.

And not one marriage fails
Where Christ is asked to enter,
As lovers come together
With Jesus at the center.

But marriage seldom thrives,
And homes are incomplete,
Till He is welcomed there
To help avoid defeat.

In homes where Christ is first,
It's obvious to see,
Those unions really work,
For marriage still takes three.

Author Unknown

I am a firm believer that as a child, my safety and security came from the fact that I knew at the end of the day my parents were not going to divorce.  Now that we have a child, part of our responsibility as parents is to work through the tough issues, the conflict, the disagreements, the arguments, and make our marriage, our home, one that honors and exalts Christ.  Why? He is worthy. If Christ was willing to die, conquer and master sin for me, then I must be willing to always work it out in my marriage.  Even if we didn't have a child, He is worthy, and therefore I must be willing to work at my marriage.  

Check out a great article, "Is the Grass Greener In Other Marriages? 6 Ways to water and tend to our marriages", here

Proverbs 14:1 “A wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.”

I know that I have influence in my home.  My daughter watches my every move, pretty scary.  This makes me want to examine my tone, my attitude, the way I manage my time, the way I treat my husband.  I want to carefully determine what pleases the Lord.  When conflict and disagreements arise, not if, I need to examine myself.  The expectation is the same for my husband.  Marriage should begin with the ownership of the log in our own eye.  We are brilliant at making it someone else' s fault.  We must own our behavior, I will not be at fault for my husband's choices and behaviors, but I am at fault if I allow the conflict to escape without resolving that conflict. 

Am I producing only what is good and right and true?  

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Seven months....already?

My sweet girl is seven months today.  I know, can you believe it?  Everyone says they grow up fast but I'm seriously having a hard time believing my girl is 7 months old.  At 6 months, Lydia weighed 14 pounds and 4 ounces.  Maybe now she's up to 15 pounds.  She is rolling all over the place, literally.  She rolls from her back to her tummy and her tummy to her back, all. over. the. place!

 She has just within the past week started sitting up.  She is eating everything she can possibly fit in her mouth cereal, fruits, and vegetables and everything she's eaten she's loved!  She has eaten pears, peaches, apples, bananas, avocado, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, peas, and green beans.  I think that's all.  She's still not a great sleeper at night, but we're working on it.  

Being a mama to this little girl has been much work but much fun!  I just hope we will be able to teach her the important things in life.  We are thankful for you Lydia Ashby Faulk, and our family wouldn't be the same without you.  Glad you joined our family seven months ago today.  We love you!

Jesus, help me as I spend my days, all day, every day with this child, your child.  Help me to show her You in all things and help the love, discipline, structure, and instruction we give her point her to the most important thing: obedience to You.

A Mother's Prayer

God, give me wisdom to see that today is my day with my children.
That there is no unimportant moment in their lives.
May I know no other career is as precious,
No other work so rewarding,
No other task so urgent.
May I not defer it nor neglect it,
But, by thy Spirit, accept it gladly, joyously, and by thy grace realize
That the time is short and my time is now,
For children won’t wait!

-Helen M. Young

Monday, October 3, 2011

You know those days where inadequacy keeps showing up?

Lately I've been having all sorts of self doubts and insecurities that keep creeping up on me.  While I'm going to have to do some internal examining to figure exactly what I am fearing that is causing me to feel insecure, inadequate and doubting myself, I think it's just incredibly personal of the Holy Spirit to have these two words in the scriptures that I read today,

"Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared." ~Proverbs 3:25-26

"From the LORD comes deliverance." ~Psalm 3:8

And to think, I almost didn't make time to be still enough to read His word.  His timing could not have been more perfect!  So thankful that He knows me and knows what I need to hear when I need to hear it.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall is in the air and that means long sleeve t-shirts, Alabama football, bonfires, leaves changing, cooler temperatures and lots of good baking.  Here's a delicious recipe a friend shared with me that I made recently for Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread.  It was yummy!

Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread
3.5 cups flour
2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1.5 teaspoon salt
3.5 cups sugar
1 cup vegetable oil (you can sub applesauce)
4 eggs, beaten
2 cups pumpkin
2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
chocolate chips (mini ones work best)

Sift together flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and pumpkin pie spice.  To the beaten eggs, add sugar and oil, then pumpkin.  Add dry ingredients gradually to liquid mixture.  I add however many chocolate chips look good!  Pour into 3 greased loaf pans.  Bake at 350 for 1 hour, or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.


Monday, September 26, 2011


Something amazing happened a little over three years ago.  I met family.  No, we are not blood family, but I think sometimes genetic families have nothing on those built on the blood of Jesus.   

I was introduced to these people, who are now family, through a connection that we had with someone when we lived in Macon, the first time.  God's hand was all over that connection, and these beautiful people have opened their hearts and their lives and let us be a part of their family. We call, we text. We share our good times and walk together through rough times.  They have us into their home on Christmas eve, as if we are part of their family, to have a delicious meal of appetizers and watch It's a Wonderful Life.  Yes, it helps that they are from the great state of Alabama and love Alabama football as much as I do. :) 

This is the family that when I was sent to bed for 11 weeks of my life, they came into my home and completely renovated the room that would become the nursery. 

She is the one that taught me how to make homemade biscuits.  This is the family that provides my husband with his spiritual father.  Bottom line, they love Jesus and therefore they love us, not because we are worth it or because we are easy to love, simply because they are serious about putting their faith in action.  

I love the way they love. With everything they are. And when you're hit with that kind of love and acceptance you are never the same.

I'm not the same.

Today, I am simply grateful for my family.  I am missing living in the same town as my family.  Today, I look forward to the next time I get to see my family.  I am thankful for honest, authentic, open conversation and confrontation with my family.  
I am humbled by the way my family loves us with their lives. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Halfway to 1


Today, my firstborn baby girl is halfway to 1.  6 months old today.  This is really happening, can't believe we are already here.  I can't wait to see how much she's grown and developed from the last doctor appointment at 4 months.  To see the trust in her eyes for me, the way she smiles with delight, and finally gives into rest in my arms, with every head she lays on my shoulder, even when she cries at 1 AM or 4 AM and I'm the one that tends to her, my sweet girl is growing.  

Her growing physically happens naturally, all on it's own.  However, her growth spiritually is something that we will have to intentionally invest into her.  What does that look like?  How will we help her to know and see Jesus is the way the truth and the life?  Oh, that her growth in faith would surpass her physical growth.  

It's funny that I pretty much know what she needs and when she needs it: whether it be that she is hungry, sleepy, or just bored.  How much more does the Father know what we need and when we need it in our journey of growth towards him?  Today, I want to know how do you grow your children in faith?  What intentional steps do you take to intentionally invest in the spiritual growth of your child?  I know we will mess up, I know we will make mistakes, but the spiritual growing of my sweet girl is what I want to be about.  

I want to be about taking active, intentional steps in the growing of my relationship with Jesus, my marriage, my friendships, my baby girl.  

Oh, that we might know the LORD! Let us press on to know him.  He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring. Hosea 6:3

Linking up today with The Gypsy Mama for 5 minute Friday, "where we write bold and beautiful and free. Unscripted and unedited. We just write without worrying if it’s just write or not."

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Need a good laugh?

Okay, so we all know how healthy it is to have a good laugh.  Well, this commercial made me laugh really hard today!  Maybe it's the phase of life I'm in with a 5 month 3 week old who doesn't poop very regularly but pooped not once but twice yesterday ruining both of her outfits, one of those times happened while we were out! :]  I laughed out loud at this commercial. 

Anyway, enjoy the commercial and let me know if it doesn't make you laugh!  So funny!

And, apparently, clearing my throat makes this sweet, little one laugh!  And watching her laugh makes me laugh!  So, based on my laughing alone today, you could say I am quite healthy!  :] Love, love, love! 

5 months 3 weeks old

Monday, August 29, 2011

What's going through your head today?

Ever get something stuck in your head?  At times, actually most of the time, this can be a bit annoying but today, for me, it's a very good thing!  Today, I can't get this song, really a prayer, out of my head.  The song is "Set a Fire" and this video picks up in the midst of an incredible time of crying out to Jesus.  This worship experience fires me up!

Set a Fire - United Pursuit Band
There’s no place I’d rather be,
There’s no place I’d rather be,
There’s no place I’d rather be,
Than here in Your Love
Here in Your Love
Set a fire down in my soul
That I can’t contain and I can’t control
I want more of You, God, I want more of You, God

Jesus, may it be that in your love is the only place I'd want to be; may I live, move, breath and be in Your love, for there I am complete.  Holy Spirit, may the fire you place inside me provoke me to share my life with those who need you.  


Friday, August 26, 2011

She's getting older...


5 months, wow, I can't believe we are here already!  5 whole months you've been a part of our family.  She's getting older.  I love this 5 month stage.  She smiles a gummy grin every time I come near, she has found her laugh, she stares at me with love and trust.  

As she gets older the weight of the responsibility of parenting gets heavier.  As she gets older will we be able to instill the important things into her life?  As she gets older, how will I instill in her that beauty is a heart matter and comes from having a gentle, quiet spirit.  As she gets older, I want her to be secure in the love that her parents have for her and for one another.  As she gets older, I want her to be secure in knowing that we will love her no matter what.  The older she gets, the more I love her.  

Linking up today with the Gypsy Mama for 5 minute Friday.  

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

one thousand gifts...

You can read more about my 1,000 gifts here

17. moving help
18. dancing with my daughter in the kitchen in the midst of the mess of unpacking boxes 
19. old friends and new friends
20. a friend showing up at our "new, old" house with supper
21. making a house a home

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I know what "they" say, "the only thing constant in life is change."  

Change is good, right?  Change/transition brings new opportunities, right?  That's what I keep telling myself and others.  But, if I'm being honest in the midst of packing, I find myself being so uncertain about the changes coming.  We have three nights left to sleep in our current home in the country middle of nowhere before we move to our "new, old" house in the city.  I say "new, old" house because we own the house and we {J & S} lived there before but have been renting it out the past three years.  As we prepare to move back there, our "old" house {built in 1955}, things will look much different now as we move back as a "new" family of three.  

There are many things I'll miss about this space that we've called "home" for the last three years.  This is the home we have seen first hand the sacrificial love of others, this is the home we brought our sweet girl home to, this is the home that is only three hours away from my genetic family, this is the home that allows me to do life with my family of believers, oh, I could go on and on. 

As I am overwhelmed and my head is spinning in the details that come with yet another move, today, I need to remember this one thing: 

This is not my home. 

Jesus said, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my Father’s home.  If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?  When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.  And you know the way to where I am going.” John 14:1-4

In the midst of changes that I an uncertain about, Jesus reminds me that He does not change and that He is the same yesterday and today and forever.  Today, I'm asking Him to give me His perspective.  Longing today for my true home of heaven. 

books on my reading list

Just a few books that are on my reading list:

 "The Help"

"One Thousand Gifts"

 "Pagan Christianity"

A few books on Lyddie's reading list:

"The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and "Are You My Mother?"

One day I hope she'll like to read as much as I do.  What are you reading right now?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Change is here

Change: an opportunity to choose trust in the Greater One.

Changes in the Faulk Family:

1. We are moving to Macon, GA.  2. I will be staying home 
with our sweet girl.  3. Joey has a new job that he has already 

Although there are only 3 changes....they are big ones! 

Moving date is August 20...lots to do between now and then.  

Remembering today that transition is hard, but it is okay 
because His ways are higher and greater than my ways will 
ever be.  With transition comes new opportunities.  Today, 
I will choose joy in this journey of transition and change. 

Hold on we go!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

one thousand gifts

12. surprise visits from my husband that show how much he loves us and really does miss us during this time of transition
13. just thinking of this: He knows my future to the last wee detail, He knows it by heart! so what do I gain if I keep guessing and worrying?
14. sweet times with my sister
15. the coolness of a summer morning 
16. blue skies 

I dare you to live fully right where you are.  What are you waiting for?  You can read more about my list of 1,000 gifts here.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

the many faces of my firstborn

I love her, I love being her mama, I love her smile, I love the two times I've heard her laugh out loud (and no, I did not catch it on camera...yet), I love her even when her sleep patterns which were so regular become so very irregular, I love how she is becoming so very inquisitive, I love the way she is discovering her hands by not only trying to "eat" them but by actually studying them as if to say, "what are these?", I love how it takes her a minute to find me with her eyes but once she does her entire face lights up, I love all of her many faces....4 months looks good on you kiddo.  Yes, one day we will all be sleeping better, but for now, I will enjoy every moment with her. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

one thousand gifts

7. summertime rainstorms, hard downpours with rain falling on the tin roof
8. the length and beauty of her eyelashes
9. realizing the total trust and dependence my sweet girl has in us as parents is the total trust and dependence my Father wants me to have in Him
10. abundant laughter at my husband at the supper table regarding his analogies  
11. my mama, she has always been and always will be a gift

For more about my 1,000 gifts you can go here.

Friday, July 29, 2011

first time for everything

L is growing/changing quickly!!!  4 months have already passed.  Every time I make mention of that fact and act a little sad, Joey always says, "isn't that the point, for her to grow up and become a healthy, functional, independent adult."  He obviously doesn't get where I'm coming from.

Anyway, lots of firsts lately for my girl:

  1. First time in the nursery was this past Sunday, July 24th. And, yes, I made Joey get up and go check on her during the sermon.  I was a little sad, but she had a great time, and I think it created much joy and pleasure for the ladies that took care of her, plus, note taking in church a little easier for me. =)
  2. L is rolling over like a crazy girl!! The first time I saw her do it I captured her on video, it was on July 9th. So proud of my big girl!
  3. L also went to the lake for the first time back at the end of June...she loved it!  My girl loves to be outside.  I'm so glad about that!

4. She also laughed out loud for the first time.  I've yet to catch that on video, but I hope to soon.  I think the first time she laughed out loud was at her Pa.  So, so cute!  I mean, I loved L a lot when she was born, like a lot a lot, but it might just be uncontrollable now. I can't get enough!!!!!

At 4 months, L:
is up for the day around 6:00 AM, nurses 5-6 times a day, naps 3 times a day, plays on the floor on her activity mat (she LOVES her activity mat & can easily entertain herself for about 30 minutes), has some tummy time, plays in her bouncy seat, LOVES being outside, very curious about her surroundings, especially if they're new, smiles all the time, *WARNING* you will probably think this is too much info, but here goes - she only poops once a week and sometimes goes longer - right now we're at 1 week & 3 days - yes, that was probably TMI but her Dr. says there is no reason to be concerned as it is completely normal for breastfed babies, loves to "eat" her hands, goes to bed between 8-8:30 PM

At 4 months old L weighs 10 pounds 13 ounces and is 24 inches long

We love you sweet girl and couldn't imagine our family without you! 

being still


i'm still trying to figure out how to "be still"
i'm still learning to choose trust
i'm still watering my tomato plants even though the little green worms have eaten two of my four plants :(
i'm still so thankful my husband knows how to work on our vehicles, today he's changing out the brakes, last week the starter; saves us big $$ 
i'm still so, so glad the Lord provided a job for my hubby so that i could quit my job and come home to my new job, wife and stay at home mama
i'm still wrestling with the concept of cell churches, needing to be the church, be Jesus, not just go to church & learn about Jesus
i'm still trying to let go of  my performance based, people pleaser, need for approval, fear of the loss of others approval self (old, earthly nature) and ask Jesus to remind me that His approval is all i need (new nature)
i'm still want to let loose of the reins of control in my life, my husband's life, and my child's life, because, ultimately He is in control of it all 
i'm still longing for community  
i'm still trying to figure out how to be intentional in my parenting 
i'm still putting off packing

your turn…what happens in your heart when you start writing about “still”?
take the 5 minute friday challenge from (in) courage. read more about it here.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

a very good reminder about the purpose of marriage...

I read a great article today on the Resurgence written by Matt Johnson, one of the pastors at Mars Hill Church, entitled Marriage: The Happy, Holy, Beautiful Mess.  You can read it  here.  

It was a great reminder of what the purpose of marriage really is.  I wanted to share a few things that jumped off the page when I read them.  So, here you go.

"Marriage trouble has less to do with he said, she said, he did, she did and more to do with what God has already done in Jesus. We have everything we truly need in Jesus; we just forget as we busy ourselves telling our story by pointing to our hard work (or failure), our good moral record, or super-spouse self-image. Marriage is not about what we accomplish or even hope to accomplish. All life flows from Him in a worshipful response to what He has done that works itself out first and foremost in neighborly love to our spouses."  

So, just this week I was trying to "out serve" my husband but my actions were discredited because of my attitude pride. I went as far as to point out to my husband by saying, "see, this is me out serving you."  Do you get where I went wrong?  Because of what God has done in Jesus, I have to forget my story of pointing out my accomplishment, lay down my story, and pick up His. I don't think Joey felt very served when I pointed out to him, in my pride, "hey, look what I'm doing for you."  I may have done whatever I did for him in love, but I was more concerned about whether or not he noticed and went as far as to point out my actions.  My pride discredited any love that may have been in the action!

"Marriage isn’t primarily about the love story that exists between us, but it's about what God has done in love to involve us in His story."   

Remember, "There’s a whole lot of happiness to be had in marriage. But God-wrought holiness does not always come easily or feel happy—at times, it feels more like a mess.  But it is beautiful. Not because it’s about your story or mine, but because it’s about God's."   

It's a great article with much truth. Take time to check it out!