Thursday, July 28, 2011

a very good reminder about the purpose of marriage...

I read a great article today on the Resurgence written by Matt Johnson, one of the pastors at Mars Hill Church, entitled Marriage: The Happy, Holy, Beautiful Mess.  You can read it  here.  

It was a great reminder of what the purpose of marriage really is.  I wanted to share a few things that jumped off the page when I read them.  So, here you go.

"Marriage trouble has less to do with he said, she said, he did, she did and more to do with what God has already done in Jesus. We have everything we truly need in Jesus; we just forget as we busy ourselves telling our story by pointing to our hard work (or failure), our good moral record, or super-spouse self-image. Marriage is not about what we accomplish or even hope to accomplish. All life flows from Him in a worshipful response to what He has done that works itself out first and foremost in neighborly love to our spouses."  

So, just this week I was trying to "out serve" my husband but my actions were discredited because of my attitude pride. I went as far as to point out to my husband by saying, "see, this is me out serving you."  Do you get where I went wrong?  Because of what God has done in Jesus, I have to forget my story of pointing out my accomplishment, lay down my story, and pick up His. I don't think Joey felt very served when I pointed out to him, in my pride, "hey, look what I'm doing for you."  I may have done whatever I did for him in love, but I was more concerned about whether or not he noticed and went as far as to point out my actions.  My pride discredited any love that may have been in the action!

"Marriage isn’t primarily about the love story that exists between us, but it's about what God has done in love to involve us in His story."   

Remember, "There’s a whole lot of happiness to be had in marriage. But God-wrought holiness does not always come easily or feel happy—at times, it feels more like a mess.  But it is beautiful. Not because it’s about your story or mine, but because it’s about God's."   

It's a great article with much truth. Take time to check it out!

1 comment:

  1. What a great reminder. I needed a heart and attitude check this morning about my husband.

    I am happily following you now, and stopping by from 5 minute Friday!
