Sunday, August 7, 2011

the many faces of my firstborn

I love her, I love being her mama, I love her smile, I love the two times I've heard her laugh out loud (and no, I did not catch it on camera...yet), I love her even when her sleep patterns which were so regular become so very irregular, I love how she is becoming so very inquisitive, I love the way she is discovering her hands by not only trying to "eat" them but by actually studying them as if to say, "what are these?", I love how it takes her a minute to find me with her eyes but once she does her entire face lights up, I love all of her many faces....4 months looks good on you kiddo.  Yes, one day we will all be sleeping better, but for now, I will enjoy every moment with her. 


  1. how precious, Sarah! I am so proud of you and glad to be with Lydia and you tonight as I read your blog for the first time. In fact, I think I even got to hear her laugh at me on our walk tonight. How fun to know the first time she laughed out loud was at her Pa. Can't wait til future updates of life in the Faulk family and whatever else God puts on your heart to share.

  2. actually, the above comment was from Carrie, one of Sarah's sisters:) I am just using her computer!
