Friday, July 29, 2011

first time for everything

L is growing/changing quickly!!!  4 months have already passed.  Every time I make mention of that fact and act a little sad, Joey always says, "isn't that the point, for her to grow up and become a healthy, functional, independent adult."  He obviously doesn't get where I'm coming from.

Anyway, lots of firsts lately for my girl:

  1. First time in the nursery was this past Sunday, July 24th. And, yes, I made Joey get up and go check on her during the sermon.  I was a little sad, but she had a great time, and I think it created much joy and pleasure for the ladies that took care of her, plus, note taking in church a little easier for me. =)
  2. L is rolling over like a crazy girl!! The first time I saw her do it I captured her on video, it was on July 9th. So proud of my big girl!
  3. L also went to the lake for the first time back at the end of June...she loved it!  My girl loves to be outside.  I'm so glad about that!

4. She also laughed out loud for the first time.  I've yet to catch that on video, but I hope to soon.  I think the first time she laughed out loud was at her Pa.  So, so cute!  I mean, I loved L a lot when she was born, like a lot a lot, but it might just be uncontrollable now. I can't get enough!!!!!

At 4 months, L:
is up for the day around 6:00 AM, nurses 5-6 times a day, naps 3 times a day, plays on the floor on her activity mat (she LOVES her activity mat & can easily entertain herself for about 30 minutes), has some tummy time, plays in her bouncy seat, LOVES being outside, very curious about her surroundings, especially if they're new, smiles all the time, *WARNING* you will probably think this is too much info, but here goes - she only poops once a week and sometimes goes longer - right now we're at 1 week & 3 days - yes, that was probably TMI but her Dr. says there is no reason to be concerned as it is completely normal for breastfed babies, loves to "eat" her hands, goes to bed between 8-8:30 PM

At 4 months old L weighs 10 pounds 13 ounces and is 24 inches long

We love you sweet girl and couldn't imagine our family without you! 

1 comment:

  1. hey, it's Carrie posting from Sarah's computer. Sarah- I am SO GLAD you are taking time to record details about Lydia's growth process and her personality forming, even at four months. You and she will treasure this one day. Keep up the good work of loving her well and modeling to her the love of Jesus!
