Friday, July 29, 2011

being still


i'm still trying to figure out how to "be still"
i'm still learning to choose trust
i'm still watering my tomato plants even though the little green worms have eaten two of my four plants :(
i'm still so thankful my husband knows how to work on our vehicles, today he's changing out the brakes, last week the starter; saves us big $$ 
i'm still so, so glad the Lord provided a job for my hubby so that i could quit my job and come home to my new job, wife and stay at home mama
i'm still wrestling with the concept of cell churches, needing to be the church, be Jesus, not just go to church & learn about Jesus
i'm still trying to let go of  my performance based, people pleaser, need for approval, fear of the loss of others approval self (old, earthly nature) and ask Jesus to remind me that His approval is all i need (new nature)
i'm still want to let loose of the reins of control in my life, my husband's life, and my child's life, because, ultimately He is in control of it all 
i'm still longing for community  
i'm still trying to figure out how to be intentional in my parenting 
i'm still putting off packing

your turn…what happens in your heart when you start writing about “still”?
take the 5 minute friday challenge from (in) courage. read more about it here.


  1. If you see the little green worms with white eggs on their backs... Leave them be. The white eggs will hatch and consume the hornworms. If they don't have eggs... Clip off the leaf and get rid of them.
    Good luck,
