Wednesday, July 27, 2011

a shared table is a shared longing for community

I saw a picture of a sign recently that said: A SHARED TABLE IS A SHARED LIFE.  I want to make a sign to hang in our dining room that says this. 

Community is something I long for. I need it and I want it. I do not want to be guilty of living life on the surface, being fake, or guilty of being satisfied with the status quo. I don't want to be too busy to become involved.  
The problem, I am guilty of being satisfied with the status quo - the existing state of affairs, remaining in the same place, not changing. Sharing lives, living in community takes effort, it takes intentionality, the act of being deliberate or purposeful.  It takes being still, slowing down, being transparent, authentic.  The thing is, I'm not a risk taker.  I like security, stability, and a plan.  My impatient, passive aggressive, and need to be in control can get in the way of going deep into the lives of others.  Honestly, the world and the culture we live in leaves no room for slowing down.  While I know that my personality is unique to me, I know there are other "type A personality" types in the world that can relate to me when I say that I tend to get irritated or impatient at the slightest of changes in my plans. Getting involved takes time and can get messy, but we are not meant to live this life alone. 
The thing is, we are made for community. We are made to live life in the context of community. While I find these statements to be true, this doesn't happen naturally.  It doesn't happen without me allowing others  giving others permission into my life.  Community doesn't happen until I'm willing to lay down my appearances, my pride, my need to be in control, to allow others to speak into my life.  Community doesn't happen unless I'm willing to share my life.  Community doesn't happen if I'm too concerned about perfection.  
Community, I need it and I want it.  Now, with an impending move back to Macon and the new job title of wife to Joey and stay at home mama to L, I will embark on a mission to find it.  Lord, HELP!  I want to share my table and my life.   

One who isolates himself pursues selfish desires; he rebels against all sound judgement. ~Proverbs 18:1

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