Friday, July 29, 2011

first time for everything

L is growing/changing quickly!!!  4 months have already passed.  Every time I make mention of that fact and act a little sad, Joey always says, "isn't that the point, for her to grow up and become a healthy, functional, independent adult."  He obviously doesn't get where I'm coming from.

Anyway, lots of firsts lately for my girl:

  1. First time in the nursery was this past Sunday, July 24th. And, yes, I made Joey get up and go check on her during the sermon.  I was a little sad, but she had a great time, and I think it created much joy and pleasure for the ladies that took care of her, plus, note taking in church a little easier for me. =)
  2. L is rolling over like a crazy girl!! The first time I saw her do it I captured her on video, it was on July 9th. So proud of my big girl!
  3. L also went to the lake for the first time back at the end of June...she loved it!  My girl loves to be outside.  I'm so glad about that!

4. She also laughed out loud for the first time.  I've yet to catch that on video, but I hope to soon.  I think the first time she laughed out loud was at her Pa.  So, so cute!  I mean, I loved L a lot when she was born, like a lot a lot, but it might just be uncontrollable now. I can't get enough!!!!!

At 4 months, L:
is up for the day around 6:00 AM, nurses 5-6 times a day, naps 3 times a day, plays on the floor on her activity mat (she LOVES her activity mat & can easily entertain herself for about 30 minutes), has some tummy time, plays in her bouncy seat, LOVES being outside, very curious about her surroundings, especially if they're new, smiles all the time, *WARNING* you will probably think this is too much info, but here goes - she only poops once a week and sometimes goes longer - right now we're at 1 week & 3 days - yes, that was probably TMI but her Dr. says there is no reason to be concerned as it is completely normal for breastfed babies, loves to "eat" her hands, goes to bed between 8-8:30 PM

At 4 months old L weighs 10 pounds 13 ounces and is 24 inches long

We love you sweet girl and couldn't imagine our family without you! 

being still


i'm still trying to figure out how to "be still"
i'm still learning to choose trust
i'm still watering my tomato plants even though the little green worms have eaten two of my four plants :(
i'm still so thankful my husband knows how to work on our vehicles, today he's changing out the brakes, last week the starter; saves us big $$ 
i'm still so, so glad the Lord provided a job for my hubby so that i could quit my job and come home to my new job, wife and stay at home mama
i'm still wrestling with the concept of cell churches, needing to be the church, be Jesus, not just go to church & learn about Jesus
i'm still trying to let go of  my performance based, people pleaser, need for approval, fear of the loss of others approval self (old, earthly nature) and ask Jesus to remind me that His approval is all i need (new nature)
i'm still want to let loose of the reins of control in my life, my husband's life, and my child's life, because, ultimately He is in control of it all 
i'm still longing for community  
i'm still trying to figure out how to be intentional in my parenting 
i'm still putting off packing

your turn…what happens in your heart when you start writing about “still”?
take the 5 minute friday challenge from (in) courage. read more about it here.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

a very good reminder about the purpose of marriage...

I read a great article today on the Resurgence written by Matt Johnson, one of the pastors at Mars Hill Church, entitled Marriage: The Happy, Holy, Beautiful Mess.  You can read it  here.  

It was a great reminder of what the purpose of marriage really is.  I wanted to share a few things that jumped off the page when I read them.  So, here you go.

"Marriage trouble has less to do with he said, she said, he did, she did and more to do with what God has already done in Jesus. We have everything we truly need in Jesus; we just forget as we busy ourselves telling our story by pointing to our hard work (or failure), our good moral record, or super-spouse self-image. Marriage is not about what we accomplish or even hope to accomplish. All life flows from Him in a worshipful response to what He has done that works itself out first and foremost in neighborly love to our spouses."  

So, just this week I was trying to "out serve" my husband but my actions were discredited because of my attitude pride. I went as far as to point out to my husband by saying, "see, this is me out serving you."  Do you get where I went wrong?  Because of what God has done in Jesus, I have to forget my story of pointing out my accomplishment, lay down my story, and pick up His. I don't think Joey felt very served when I pointed out to him, in my pride, "hey, look what I'm doing for you."  I may have done whatever I did for him in love, but I was more concerned about whether or not he noticed and went as far as to point out my actions.  My pride discredited any love that may have been in the action!

"Marriage isn’t primarily about the love story that exists between us, but it's about what God has done in love to involve us in His story."   

Remember, "There’s a whole lot of happiness to be had in marriage. But God-wrought holiness does not always come easily or feel happy—at times, it feels more like a mess.  But it is beautiful. Not because it’s about your story or mine, but because it’s about God's."   

It's a great article with much truth. Take time to check it out!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

a shared table is a shared longing for community

I saw a picture of a sign recently that said: A SHARED TABLE IS A SHARED LIFE.  I want to make a sign to hang in our dining room that says this. 

Community is something I long for. I need it and I want it. I do not want to be guilty of living life on the surface, being fake, or guilty of being satisfied with the status quo. I don't want to be too busy to become involved.  
The problem, I am guilty of being satisfied with the status quo - the existing state of affairs, remaining in the same place, not changing. Sharing lives, living in community takes effort, it takes intentionality, the act of being deliberate or purposeful.  It takes being still, slowing down, being transparent, authentic.  The thing is, I'm not a risk taker.  I like security, stability, and a plan.  My impatient, passive aggressive, and need to be in control can get in the way of going deep into the lives of others.  Honestly, the world and the culture we live in leaves no room for slowing down.  While I know that my personality is unique to me, I know there are other "type A personality" types in the world that can relate to me when I say that I tend to get irritated or impatient at the slightest of changes in my plans. Getting involved takes time and can get messy, but we are not meant to live this life alone. 
The thing is, we are made for community. We are made to live life in the context of community. While I find these statements to be true, this doesn't happen naturally.  It doesn't happen without me allowing others  giving others permission into my life.  Community doesn't happen until I'm willing to lay down my appearances, my pride, my need to be in control, to allow others to speak into my life.  Community doesn't happen unless I'm willing to share my life.  Community doesn't happen if I'm too concerned about perfection.  
Community, I need it and I want it.  Now, with an impending move back to Macon and the new job title of wife to Joey and stay at home mama to L, I will embark on a mission to find it.  Lord, HELP!  I want to share my table and my life.   

One who isolates himself pursues selfish desires; he rebels against all sound judgement. ~Proverbs 18:1

Sunday, July 24, 2011

one thousand gifts

A book that I soon plan to read is "One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are" by Ann Voskamp.  In this book, Ann poses a challenge, one that I am going to take on myself.....making a list of one thousand gifts. It's a dare, really, to live FULLY  — right where they are.  Ann says, " I scratch it down; Gift List.  I begin the list.  Not of gifts I want but of gifts I already have."  'How,' Ann wondered, 'do we find joy in the midst of deadlines, debt, drama, and daily duties? What does a life of gratitude look like when your days are gritty, long, and sometimes dark? What is God providing here and now?'  

"He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God." -Psalm 50:23  

So, here's to 1,000 gifts. I actually started my list via twitter back in May but at the time had not started this blog. My firsts two gifts are from a tweet on May 20th.

1. sleepy, snuggly baby with a full belly on my chest
2. yawns that fill up her whole face, coos, grunts...favorites
3. discussions around the table about cell church, good, authentic times 
4. praying out loud for and with a sweet, dear friend 
5. sights and sounds of a summer eve, lightning bugs, tree frogs
6. the way she smiles at her daddy

Monday, July 18, 2011

a new chapter has begun...

Well, after much waiting, praying, waiting, waiting, patience much impatience on my part, waiting, and praying my job title has changed. No longer am I administrative specialist IV at Kennesaw State University but now my job title is wife to Joey and stay at home mama to Lydia. I am thankful. Honestly, being a wife & mom is the only think I can ever remember wanting to be growing up. And, here I am. I'm thankful for a husband that agrees with me that this is the Lord's design. Sometimes I feel guilty about my deep desire to be in the home, but with the support, diligence and encouragement of my husband, here we are. My last day at KSU was Wednesday, July 13, 2011. Monday, July 18, 2011 Joey begins a new job in the IT department of Middle Georgia College. There are many things I don't know...but here is what I do know: I know that from the minute I laid eyes on Lydia Ashby Faulk, the precious child God gave me, I knew I was doing what I was born to do...that I was doing what He created me to I am saying goodbye to working outside of the home....and saying hello to a new place of work. Lord, help me to make our home a place of peace.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

here we go...

Well, something that I've thought about doing for some time is finally happening. Yes, I am starting a blog. I am not starting a blog because I think I have a lot to say or because I have a wealth of wisdom to share. I certainly do not have it all figured out or have it all together, most days it's the exact opposite. I have my good days and bad days, days where I'm driven by my emotions instead of Truth. This is a blog to share my thoughts, frustrations, ups, downs, and life. So, if you're up for it, join me and my little family of three on the journey along the narrow road. Here we go....But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it. Matthew 7:14